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4925 East 26th Street Sioux Falls, SD 57110

Our Care Team Members

Lead Chiropractic Assistant

My name is Lani Klein and as your Chiropractic Assistant, my main job is to assist Dr. Van Riper with your therapies. I also work alongside Tina, our office Manager, in managing all aspects of our front desk operations and other clinic tasks. 

Outside of the Clinic, I spent my time reading, traveling or enjoying the outdoors. I enjoy taking my dog, TumTum, on hikes and kayaking. I often am driving back to Wyoming to see my family too. 

I enjoy being a part of this Clinic because it feels like a family and I get to be part of the team that heals people. 

Business Manager |  Back-up Chiropractic Assistant

My name is Tina Van Riper. As Dr. Van Riper's wife, I support the Clinic in many ways. With my 20+ years of accounting & consulting experience, I manage the Clinic's finances and market the services offered in our Clinic. Many days, you'll find me behind the desk in a set of scrubs taking care of our patients by assisting with therapies and by educating our patients about the nutritional supplementation offered in our Clinic. 

Outside of work, I spend my time raising three children: Macy (21 yrs), Kody (19 yrs) and Abby (17 yrs) and two yellow labs: Angel and Willow. Like Roger, I enjoy spending time outdoors boating, fishing, hunting, camping and relaxing. 

One of my greatest joys is being able to be part of a team that gets people well. 

Welcome to River Ridge, how may we help you? 

Email us. We will help.

River Ridge Spine and Rehabilitation, Sioux Falls, SD


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